[vc_testimonial_slider][vc_testimonial name="" author_dec="" color_primary="#ffffff" position="Developer"]Low Testosterone affects over 790,000 men aged between 50 and 79 in the UK[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider]
[vc_image_box image="6223" style="twc_imb_minimal" css_animation="left-to-right" img_size="thumbnail"][vc_image_box image="6224" style="twc_imb_minimal" css_animation="left-to-right" css_animation_delay="delay-100" img_size="thumbnail"]
[vc_testimonial_slider el_class=".testim1"][vc_testimonial name="" author_dec="" position="Developer"]Men who are over the age of 50 with type 2 diabetes and/or erectile dysfunction have higher odds of developing low testosterone, with other risk factors including obesity and excessive alcohol consumption.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider]
[vc_image_box image="6222" style="twc_imb_minimal" css_animation="right-to-left" img_size="150x150"][vc_image_box image="6225" style="twc_imb_minimal" css_animation="right-to-left" css_animation_delay="delay-100"]
[vc_heading h_size="h-large" title="Concerned you may have low testosterone?" title_color="#347ebf" alignment="align-left"]
Low testosterone can be diagnosed by looking for abnormally low levels of testosterone in the blood and discussing whether you have some of the tell-tale signs.
The ADAM questionnaire, an internationally recognised assessment tool for low testosterone, can help you decide if you need to go to the doctor to have your testosterone levels checked.
You can get a print out or email a copy of your test results so that you can give them to your doctor.
If the assessment shows that you may be suffering from low testosterone, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to talk about your symptoms. Find out more here
[vc_testimonial_slider style="testimonials-style-2"][vc_testimonial name="Mike" author_dec="60" color_primary="#ffffff" color_secondary="#ffffff" position="Developer"]"Before I was diagnosed with low testosterone my kids used to call me a grumpy so-and-so. I'd completely lost my interest in everything. The only thing I did do a lot was arguing with my family - always about stupid things"[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider]